
QTA – Serviços de Gestão Ambiental, S.A. aims to be an active business partner, helping customers to manage and optimize their water
resources so that they can focus on what really matters, production.
We always strive to optimize water consumption, increase reuse and demand for alternative water sources, reduce operating and maintenance costs, reduce energy consumption associated with water treatment units and achieve the best compliance with legislation.

Industrial or Domestic Wastewater Treatment Plants

  • Design and improvement of WWTP´s making available to the customer the accumulated experience in the treatment of industrial wastewater and operation of WWTP´s in order to create reliable, flexible units adapted to the reality of each customer and the industrial sector in which it operates.

  • Management of WWTP´s ensuring a specialized operation and maintenance of the units to monetize them and ensuring technical assistance 24h / d 365 days a year.

  • Reduction of treatment costs with optimized operation, reagent dosing and energy consumption reduction studies associated with WWTP´s.

  • Minimize wastewater discharges by favoring reuse wherever possible.

  • Improved facility safety by meeting internal objectives and quality and environmental certifications.

  • Compliance with national legislation and objectives of the Best Available Technologies (BAT) Reference documents of each industry.

Factory Water Networks

  • Optimizing water consumption in the factory, reducing waste, looking for alternative water sources;

  • Encouraging the maximization of the closing of the internal water cycle in industrial units located in urban areas, avoiding the maximum costs associated with the purchase of drinking water or the discharge of wastewater in a municipal collector.

  • Water treatment according to uses and legislation or specifications.

  • Proper water treatment of cooling and water heating systems to minimize corrosion or limescale effects.

  • Protection of factory pipes and equipment from closed, semi-open or open circuits against corrosion, limestone deposition or microbiological development, thereby reducing the number of malfunctions and unwanted stops.

  • Reduction of energy consumption in cooling, heating or water lifting units.